The following information will serve as a guide to enable you complete and print out the NUC staff and students audit forms. Please adhere strictly to the following procedure:
1. To complete the NUC audit form, visit the BSU website on www.bsum.edu.ng and go to the horizontal main menu at the top of the home page.
2. If you are a staff, go the ‘Staff’ area of the main menu and on the resulting drop down items, click on 'Staff Audit’. If you are filling the form for the first time then you MUST register first by clicking on the ‘Staff register here’ to register and obtain a user ID and Password in order to login to access your details in future. If you have started or completed the registration process before and wish to print out, enter your userID and Password to access your details.
3. If you are a student, you also proceed to the ‘Students’ area of the main menu and on the resulting drop down items, click on ‘Student Audit’. If you are filling the form for the first time then you MUST register first by clicking on the ‘Students register here’ to register and obtain a user ID and Password in order to login to access your details in future. If you have started or completed the registration process before and wish to print out, enter your userID and Password to access your details.
4. All NUC Audit forms MUST be completed and submitted online as appropriate after which you are to print a copy for thumb printing in the presence of your Head of Department (HOD) before signing and submission.
5. Staff and students are encouraged to upload their passport photographs online before printing.