Breaking News: MOUAU A.S.G is dead following accident in F.S.T. Laboratory

Breaking News: MOUAU A.S.G is dead following accident in F.S.T. Laboratory

News reaching SchoolGist has it that a young girl, Miss Agatha, who is also the Assistant Secretary General to the Students Union Government, of Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike lost her life following a minor accident that happened on the course of her practical in F.S.T laboratory of the school.

The bad incidence occurred on 7th April 2012 in the early hours of the day , late Miss Agatha fell from a stool in F.S.T lab and fractured one of the bones in her stomach , immediately she was rushed to the school medical centre eventually there school doctors where not available, then she was rushed to FMC Umuahia where she died out of serious internal bleeding.

May her gentle soul rise with Christ, Amen.

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