This is to inform the general public particularly students that Decent Conduct Committee is set to embark on compliance exercise as from Wednesday, 30th March 2022.
During the exercise, students are required to dress decently to avoid being sent back to change.
Stop and Check method will be used to enforce compliance.
In a way of reminding the public, the following are the indecent conduct prohibited by the Committee:
Short and Skimpy Dress such as: Body hugs, Show-me-your-chest, Spaghetti wears and dress exposing sensitive parts of the body (Laps/ Thighs, Armpits.
Tight Shorts and Obscene Skirts that are above the knees (except for sporting purposes)
Tattered/Patched Jeans and Jeans with holes (aka CRAZY JEAN) Transparent and See-Through Dresses
Tight Fitting Wears; e.g. Jeans, Skirts, Hip var, Patra, Lactra, etc. that reveals body shape and contour.
Under-clothing (such as Singlet, Bum-shorts, Camisoles) worn publicity
Unkempt appearance such as wearing of bathroom slippers to classrooms (except for medical reasons)
Long and Tight Skirts which have slit in front or at the sides, which unduly reveal sensitive parts of the body as wearer moves on
Wearing of T-shirts and tops with Obscene, immoral inscriptions and advertisement
Wearing of Shirt without Buttons, not properly buttoned, revealing, the wearer's chest unduly
Wearing of Earring by male students.
Plaiting or Weaving of Hair by male students
Wearing of dreadlocks by both male and female students 14. Sagging of trousers by male students
Multi-Coloured Hair (hair extension cattachment) OTHER THAN colours 1, 2 and 4:
Tinting of hair to colours other than black.
Wearing of Eye lashes (artificial lashes),
Wearing long nails (natural or artificial nails) with outrageous colours/multiple colour
Weating of Multiple Earrings, Extra Ordinary Large Earrings, Teeth Studs and Now Rings
Wearing Tattoos especially on exposed part of the body
Wearing Long Bushy and Unkempt Beards, Parmed and Tinted Hair,
Wearing of Obscene haircuts/styles by male and female students