BHU: Private Varsity Suspends 1000 Students - A Must Read

BHU: Private Varsity Suspends 1000 Students - A Must Read

It was gathered that The Bingham University, a private university in New Karu, Nasarawa State, owned by the ECWA Church has given two weeks suspension to about 1000 students for not attending a midweek church service in the university.

The school authorities sensing that the students may resist the suspension and carry out a protest has surrounded the school premises with security men to forestall such.

It was gathered that a short message service was sent to the parents of the suspended students by the institution’s Registrar.

The message reads thus, “This is to inform you that your ward failed to attend worship service on Wednesday, June 11, 2014; this constitutes a contravention of the university rules and regulations as contained in the students’ handbook. The vice-chancellor has directed the suspension of your ward from Thursday, June 12, 2014 to Sunday, June 22, 2014.

“You are expected to bring back your ward to the university on Monday, June 23 2014 with a letter of undertaking to be of good behavior. The letter is to be countersigned by you.”

According to the senior assistant Registrar,“The suspension is in line with the rules and regulations governing students’ conduct as contained in their handbook. It is not a strange thing; BHU is a faith-based university and failure to attend chapel attracts such action.”

Meanwhile, most parents are considering withdrawing their wards from the institution.

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