Best Law Schools In Nigeria And Their School Fees (2024)

Best Law Schools In Nigeria And Their School Fees (2024)

If you have just earned a bachelor of Law degree, LLB, and you are looking to build a career as a practice as a lawyer, then you must enroll for the Nigerian law school. The Nigerian Law school was created in 1962, to instill into the  foreign-trained lawyers and indigenous lawyers essence of the Nigerian legal system. There are currently six law schools in Nigeria, and there are a lot of things to consider before choosing from one of them. We have covered everything that you need to know, to guide your selection of a Law School.

Firstly, we will discuss the general information that is essential for any students who look to enroll into the best law school in Nigeria. Then we will discuss the criteria for specific Law schools.

General information About Law schools in Nigeria

  1. Law school only admits candidates with a previous Bachelor of Law degree, LLB,  from a recognized school.
  2. It is only compulsory for those who look to pursue a career as a Lawyer.
  3. The program in the law school is a one year program.
  4. If you can not afford the cost of enrolling for the law school, you are allowed to postpone it.
  5. Candidates must have passed  the core law courses during the undergraduate studies which usually  includes: Criminal Law, Company Law, Commercial Law, Legal Methods and the Nigerian Legal System, Land law, Law of Evidence, and Jurisprudence amongst others.
  6. Foreign-trained students who look to practice in Nigeria must enrol into Nigeria Law school. This is to ensure all lawyers in Nigeria are well acquainted with the nigerian law system.
  7. foreign-trained students who enrol into the Nigerian law School will start from Bar Part I
  8. Nigerian  students automatically skip Bar Part I and proceed with Bar Part II because of their previous acquaintance with the Nigerian Law System.
  9. On completion of the Bar Part I, foreign-trained students then enrol for Bar Part II.
  10. All students who pass the Bar Part II examinations get called to Bar at the official ceremony.

The courses offered at the Nigerian Law School, include Criminal Litigation, Civil Litigation, Property Law Practice, Corporate Law Practice and Law in Practice (ethics and skills).

Path To Become A Lawyer

Stage 1: To become a lawyer, you should enroll for an undergraduate degree in any of the recommended universities on our list of best law schools in Nigeria. In Nigeria the students are taught over the course of five years and handed a Bachelor of Law degree after the successful completion of the undergraduate programs.

Stage 2: On the completion of your Bachelor of Law, LLB, degree you should enroll for the Bar Part II programme. There you will learn with practical guides about the following courses:  Corporate Law and Practice, Criminal Litigation, Civil Litigation, and Property Law.

Stage 3: Apply for the Bar examinations. Successful candidates get honoured with the title of a barrister and the Certificate given to you will be presented at the Official Call to bar ceremony.

Stage 4: Enron for Roll of Legal Practitioners membership; it is maintained by the Chief Registrar of the Supreme Court of Nigeria.

Law Schools in Nigeria and Their School Fees

The Nigerian law school was founded in 1962 by the Nigerian government to acquaint the foreign-trained lawyers with the Nigerian system and practically train the Nigerian trained lawyers on legal practices. Law School is expensive: the tuition fee is usually 10,000 naira, but the accumulation of other payments can raise it to almost 300,000.

The law school is managed by the Nigerian government and has six campuses currently. There are six campuses nationwide.

  1. Lagos campus (1962)
  2. Bwari, Abuja, campus in (1997)
  3. Agbani, Enugu State.
  4. Bagauda, Kano State
  5. Yenagoa, Bayelsa State
  6. Yola, Adamawa State.

Top 10 Best Universities to Study Law in Nigeria and Their School Fees

Here is a compilation of the ten universities that have remained at the very top for decades in Nigeria. The following universities have alumni networks that impact the Legal sector beyond Africa; They serve as the right motivation indeed to get your legal career started. Enjoy!!

10.    Babcock University BU, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State

Babcock University is a private Nigerian University that was established by the Seventh-day Adventist Church on September 17, 1959, as a senior college for training church workers from the West African sub-region. Today, the Babcock university school of law and security is headed by Prof. Deji Olanrewaju, and the system has produced some of the nation’s best barristers. Abiru Mayowa, the overall best student in 2019 Bar examinations, is an Alumni. The tuition fee for the School Of Law & Security Studies 200,000 to 500,000 naira

School Of Law & Security Studies Admission Requirement

Department of Law

Degree Offered:  LLB.  (Hons) Law

Requirements: 5 credits in English Language, Literature in English, Mathematics and any other two social science subjects.

Direct Entry: Advanced level in Higher School Certificate or Bachelor of Arts degree in any related course from any accredited University with second class lower division and above. Candidates must present their transcripts and O’ level results- as stated in the O’ level requirements above.

Postgraduate Programme in Law: Unavailable.

9.      Ahmadu Bello University ABU Zaria

The prestigious university is situated at the Kongo Campus, Zaria, in Kaduna State. It has four departments, stated as follows: Private Law, Public Law, Commercial Law and  Islamic Law. The faculty is a very strong one with fifteen Professors, six Readers, Eight Senior Lecturers and the rest are Lecturer I, Lecturer II and Assistant Lecturers. The present Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Mahmud Mohammed is one of such alumni, Hon Justice Muhammad Lawal Uwaisu, GCON, the Chief justice of Nigeria (1995-2006) is an alumni. The tuition fee is quite affordable and ranges from #25,500 to #44,500 naira.

Faculty of Law Admission Requirement

For Civil Law: ABU Diploma in Law with at least MERIT Grade. Five ‘O’ Level Credit passes which must include English Language and Literature in English with any other two Arts or Social Science subjects.

Direct Entry

Two ‘A’ Level/IJMB Passes In English Literature and other two Arts or Social Science subjects.

For Islamic Law: Same with the criteria for Civil law, except that Arabic Language/Islamic Studies replaces Literature in English.

Direct Entry

Same with the criteria for Civil law, except that IRK/Arabic replaces Literature in English.

Postgraduate Diploma for Week-end programmes and Commercial Law

Admission Requirement

  1. At least 3rd Class degree in Law, Management, Bus. Admin. Accounting, Economics, Insurance or related fields.
  2. HND. with a minimum of lower credit plus 2 years working experience, if course requires.

F.LL.M. (Master of Laws)

  1. (i)First degree in Law (LL.B) with First or Second Class Honours. (ii)Third class plus Postgraduate Diploma in Law.

G.Ph.D (Doctor of Philosophy in Laws)

  1. LL.M. (Master  of  Laws) First  or  second  class Degree  with  research  thesis  component  from  a recognized University.

8. Lagos State University, LASU

The Faculty  of  Law  and  Humanities  is  a  foundation  faculty at Lagos State University. The  Faculty’s  cardinal  philosophy  and  objective as stated on the school website  is  to  recognize  the unique role  of  sound  legal  education  “as  a  stimulus  to  stir  the student  into  critical  analysis  and  examination of the prevailing social, economic and political system’’.

UTME Admission Requirements

  1. A candidate: must present O level with at least a credit grade in   English   Language, English Literature and Mathematics.
  2. Direct Entry Mode: At least two ‘A’ Level passes with credit in the English Language, English Literature and Mathematics at ‘O’ Level.

Masters Requirement

(b) A university degree with a minimum of Second Class Upper

Ph.D Requirement

A postgraduate degree, e.g., M.Sc, M.A, or Ph.D degree in a relevant discipline

7.      University of Benin, UNIBEN

The faculty of Law in the University of Benin is one of the very best in Nigeria. It boasts of about fifty Academic staff. One of the interesting facts about the faculty is that students are assigned to the four departments in the faculty by their level in the undergraduate program. 100 level students are assigned to Private and Property law, 200 level students take Business Law department, 300 Level takes Public Law and 400 level Students take Jurisprudence and International law. UNIBEN also partners National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies (NILDS) for postgraduate programs in law. The tuition fee is also affordable and ranges from #30,000 to #60,000.

Admission Requirement UTME

  1. Five credits O’ level passes in English, literature, government, economics or commerce, Christian Religious Studies, C.R.S.
  2. The UTME cut off mark is 205

Direct Entry Requirements

  1. Merit in UNIBEN diploma/ other recognized university diploma
  2. Two A’ level passes in Arts or social science.
  3. Holders of Higher National Diploma (HND) with Upper Credit from recognized institutions or relevant professional qualifications can apply for the program.
  4. For Postgraduate Diploma in Election and Party Management to include the Ordinary Level requirements stated above and bachelor’s degrees from recognized universities, not below Third Class, in related areas.

Admission Requirements for Masters Programme

Elections and Party Politics: Postgraduate diploma  with at least 60% CGPA from a recognized universities

For Masters Degree in Legislative Drafting: LLB with at least a Second Class Lower Division from recognized universities.

6. University of Jos, UNIJOS

The UNIJOS Faculty of Law is one of the twelve faculties in the University, with two departments namely: Law, Criminology and Security Studies.

UNIJOS Undergraduate Law Requirements:

English Language and any three Arts or Social Sciences subjects.

Five O/Level credit passes in English Language, Mathematics, Literature-in-English and any two of Arts or Social Sciences subjects.

UNIJOS Direct Entry Law Requirements:

(i) Two A level passes in Arts or Social Science subjects.

(ii) NCE/OND/First Degree (Second Class Lower)

Note: For a Post graduate in UniJOS you must present NYSC certificate and reference from three sources, preferably previous Lecturers.

Masters in UNIJOS

JOS accepts at least a merit grade in its Diploma plus four (4) credit passes at ‘O’ level and does not require English Literature. Also accepts first Degree with a minimum of Second Class Lower Division but does not accept NCE, OND, HND.

M.Phil/Ph.D. Law and Diplomacy

Entry Requirements:

The candidate must have obtained a score average of 60% and above at the end of LL.M programme.

 5. Obafemi Awolowo University, OAU

The university is a regular contender for the best university in Nigeria. The following departments presently constitute the Faculty of Law: Public Law , Business Law, International Law, Jurisprudence and Private Law. The tuition fee in School of Law ranges from is #19,700 to #30,000

Admission Requirement

Note: OAU has no Age discrimination and Candidates must choose OAU as the first choice.

For Information in respect of Undergraduate Admissions, please contact any of the following persons:

The Registrar, O.A.U Ile-Ife.

The Admissions Officer: 2nd Floor, New Secretariat Building, O.A.U Ile-Ife.

4. University of Nigeria, NSUKKA

Three departments Commercial and property law, private and public law, international and jurisprudence. The tuition  fee ranges from #40,000 to #70,000.

Admission Requirement

(i) General admission requirement for UTME and Post UTME

(ii) Direct Entry candidates: General admission requirement with Faculty entry requirements of Credit level passes in English Language, English Literature and a Science subject in School Certificate or its equivalent

3. University of Ibadan, UI.

The pacesetter university. The Faculty of law in the university of Ibadan has always been remarkable. It organizes seminars through its eminent jurists and publishes regularly through the seminars and publications of its journal the Ibadan University Law Review and other publications. The faculty consists of two departments namely: Department Of Private And Business Law, Department Of Public And International Law.tuition fee range from #25,500 to #44,500.

UTME Admission Requirement

  1. English Language and any three subjects from Arts, Social Science and/or Science.
  2. 5 ‘O’ level subjects at one sitting or 6 ‘O’ level subjects at 2 sittings to include English Language, Literature in English and any other subjects from Arts, Social Sciences or Science.

Direct Entry Requirement

  1. Two papers at Advanced Level plus Credit in 5/6 other ‘O’ level subjects including English Language and Literature in English. (ii) A good first Degree with credit in English Language at ‘O’ Level.

2.      University of Lagos, Unilag

The University of Lagos (UNILAG) is a top university in Nigeria and it is a well-respected university in Africa. The faculty of law has produced people like Bayo Ojo, a past head of The Nigerian Federal Ministry of Justice. Farida Mzamber, a former executive chairperson of EFCC, Prof. Barr. Fidelis Oditah. the President of Nigerian Branch of International Law Association. Tuition fee range from #40,000 to #50,000


Minimum of five (5) credits in the following subjects; English Language, Maths, Literature in English and two other subjects one of which must be Social Science/Art subject  Such as Economics, Government or C.R.S.


250 UTME Score in the subject combination English Language, Literature In English, Government and either Economics or C.R.S.

Note: You must choose UNILAG as your First choice institution. Also, Unilag does not accept Music, Fine Arts, Principles of Accounting.

1.   University of Ilorin, UNILORIN

The Faculty of law of the University of Ilorin is currently rated the best in the country by the Council of Legal Education; this is a rather interesting turn considering the fact that the faculty was closed down by the NUC as unworthy of recognition. The faculty of Law in the university of Ilorin was restored in 1994 and it rose to what it is today, against all odds. NUC ranked the faculty third in Nigeria in the year 2004 and accredited the faculty in the following year, as well as in 2008. The University of Ilorin Law tuition fee range from #18,300.00 to #30,000

Faculty of Law offers two undergraduate law programmes: Bachelor of Laws degree in common law, LLB (Common Law), and Bachelor of Laws degree in common and Islamic law; LLB (Common & Islamic Law)

These are the requirements to gain admission to the University of Ilorin (UNILORIN).

  1. a credit pass in five subjects at S.S.C.E. O’Level or approved equivalent, including English Language and Mathematics at not more than two sittings
  2. For Direct Entry: A minimum of two passes at the Principal or Advanced Level. And the general requirement stated in (a).

In conclusion, enrolling for a Law school depends on your career path. If after the Bachelor of Law degree you think you are not practicing as a lawyer, then the law school is not compulsory for you. If you consider yourself a future lawyer, you should contact or visit the desired campus before you commence the admission process, You should know the course options you are going for and the cost implications; as well as the terms associated with the fees; Finally, the information given in this post is the most up-to-date, and you can always trust us to be the first to update our contents in the event of a change.

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