Best AI Tools for Students

Best AI Tools for Students

In today's fast-changing world, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools into the Education sector has become a game-changer for students. These innovations does not only enhance the learning experience for both students and teachers, but also empower students to excel in their academic pursuits.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools encompass a wide range of applications designed to mimic human intelligence. In the aspect of education, these tools are crafted to facilitate personalized and efficient learning experiences.

In this article, we will be discussing 10 Best AI Tools for Students which every student should know. These collection of AI Tools covers different aspects of education and learning, such as:

  • Adaptive Learning AI Tools: This refers to AI tools that are tailored to individual learning styles, these platforms adjust the pace and content of lessons based on the student's progress.
  • Smart Tutor AI Tools: These AI-driven tutors provide real-time assistance, offering personalized feedback and guidance on various subjects.
  • Automated Grading AI Tools: These AI tools streamline the grading process, these systems save time for educators and offer instant feedback to students.
  • Language Processing AI Tools: These category of AI tools facilitates language learning. These tools aid in grammar correction, vocabulary enhancement, and language comprehension.
  • Study Planners and Organizer AI Tools: These refers to AI-driven tools that help students manage their schedules, set realistic study goals, and stay organized.

Best AI Tools for Students

In this huge list of AI tools, these are our handpicked list of overall Best AI Tools for Students.

  • ExamCram - Best AI Tool for Studying
  • Explain Like I’m Five - Best AI Tool for Easy-to-Understand Explanations
  • Geleza - Best AI Tool for Creating
  • GPTionary - Best AI Tool for Improving Language
  • Grammarly - Best AI Tool for Essay Improvement
  • Kiwi - Best AI Tool for Learning With Videos
  • Mathly - Best AI Tool for Math
  • Roshi - Best AI Tool for Teachers
  • TutorAI - Best AI Tool for Learning New Topics
  • Unschooler - Best AI Tool for Learning Programming and AI


ExamCram, an AI-powered app exclusive to the App Store for iPhone and iPad users, has emerged as a transformative study companion for students seeking to enhance their academic performance. Central to ExamCram's effectiveness is its unique ability to convert various learning resources, including lectures and textbook passages, into personalized study materials such as flashcards and practice tests. This personalized approach ensures that students can engage with the content in a way that suits their individual learning styles, promoting a deeper understanding of the material.

Going beyond conventional study aids, ExamCram utilizes artificial intelligence to identify key concepts within study materials and generates focused questions to guide students to the most critical aspects of their coursework. The app's standout features include instant feedback on performance and the creation of customized study plans. As users interact with ExamCram, they receive real-time assessments, allowing them to identify strengths and weaknesses, while the app crafts personalized study plans to guide improvement and track progress. Ideal for high school and college students looking to optimize study time, learners focusing on key concepts, and educators seeking to enhance study tools, ExamCram stands as a beacon of efficiency in the realm of AI-powered study apps, revolutionizing the way students approach and succeed in their academic endeavors.

Click Here to Access ExamCram

Explain Like I’m Five (ELI5)

"Explain Like I’m Five" (ELI5) is not just another website; it's an AI-powered marvel that strives to simplify complex topics for everyone. Born from the belief that intricate subjects can be made accessible to all, ELI5 is a valuable resource for those seeking answers without the burden of deep learning. Developed by ELI5, this platform has gained popularity for its user-friendly approach to a vast array of topics, catering especially to those venturing into unfamiliar territories.

At the heart of ELI5's success are its notable features. The website utilizes AI to break down complex subjects into simplified explanations, ensuring that even the most intricate concepts become easy to understand. Covering a wide spectrum of topics, from science and technology to history and current events, ELI5 serves as a comprehensive repository of information. The engaging presentation of these simplified explanations adds an element of fun to learning, making ELI5 not just informative but also enjoyable.

Navigating ELI5 is a breeze. Users are provided with a daily allowance of free tokens to ask questions directly on the website. By selecting their perceived intelligence level from options like "Pretty Dumb" to "Pretty Smart," users can tailor the responses to their understanding. To further enhance the experience, registering with ELI5 grants additional tokens, allowing users to delve deeper into the world of simplified knowledge. In a world where information overload is common, ELI5 stands as a beacon, making complex topics accessible and enjoyable for all.

Click Here to Access ELI5


Geleza has emerged as a revolutionary all-in-one platform designed to elevate the productivity of students, professionals, and businesses. By seamlessly integrating cutting-edge AI-powered tools, Geleza eliminates the need for juggling multiple platforms, providing users with an efficient, comprehensive solution to optimize their workflows and unlock their full potential.

The power of Geleza lies in its ability to consolidate various tools into a single platform, offering features like automated text summarization, content generation, and advanced chat functionalities. This not only saves time but also streamlines work processes, making Geleza the go-to platform for those seeking a unified and powerful workspace. Geleza's commitment to user satisfaction is evident through its responsiveness – users are encouraged to express their needs, with the promise that any AI feature not currently available will be made accessible.

Geleza stands as a beacon of efficiency in a fast-paced world, ushering in the future of work. By addressing the diverse needs of students, professionals, and businesses, Geleza exemplifies the transformative potential of AI technology. Join the Geleza community today and experience firsthand how this innovative platform can reshape the way you work, learn, and succeed. Geleza is not just a tool; it's a paradigm shift towards simplicity, efficiency, and the future of productivity.

Click Here to Access Geleza


GPTionary is a cutting-edge AI-powered thesaurus and dictionary that stands as a beacon for those seeking to enrich their vocabulary efficiently. Leveraging the power of GPT and open-source language models, GPTionary provides users, including students, teachers, and lifelong learners, with concise word and phrase descriptions for enhanced vocabulary acquisition.

This AI-powered education tool boasts features designed to cater to the specific needs of its users. GPTionary offers targeted access, limiting its usage to community leaders such as school teachers, principals, and officials. The tool prioritizes secure usage by requiring a key obtained through valid credentials, ensuring that access is granted only to authorized individuals. To further safeguard against misuse, GPTionary employs an error message system that not only prevents improper utilization but also promotes responsible usage.

GPTionary's support system ensures a seamless experience for users, providing assistance with key-related issues or any additional help required. Its diverse use cases make it an ideal companion for students eager to expand their vocabulary, teachers seeking to enhance language teaching resources, and lifelong learners looking for an efficient way to improve their language skills. GPTionary emerges not just as a tool but as an innovative solution for those committed to mastering language with precision and depth.

Click Here to Access GPTionary


Grammarly, a trusted AI writing assistant utilized by millions, has become synonymous with confident and efficient communication. For over a decade, Grammarly has stood as the leader in AI writing assistance, empowering users to write with assurance while enhancing the speed and delight of the writing process. The app's user-friendly approach makes getting started a breeze, ensuring that users can download and experience the benefits of Grammarly with simplicity and ease.

At the core of Grammarly's success is its commitment to making AI writing convenient and personalized. Serving as an all-in-one writing assistant, Grammarly seamlessly integrates into desktops and browsers, working across various applications, word processors, email clients, and more. The app provides personalized AI guidance and text generation, allowing users to work smarter and create impactful messages, documents, and social media posts. Whether you're a professional striving for clear and mistake-free communication or an individual looking to enhance your writing skills, Grammarly emerges as the ultimate writing app, ensuring that every piece of content you produce is polished, impactful, and error-free.

In addition to its app, Grammarly offers an online Editor—a robust writing editor designed to help users compose and edit clear, mistake-free documents. This online platform ensures a comprehensive writing experience, providing users with the tools needed to refine their writing and produce documents of the highest quality. Grammarly, with its multifaceted approach to AI-powered writing assistance, continues to be the go-to solution for those who prioritize excellence in their written communication. Whether you're a professional, a student, or an aspiring writer, Grammarly remains an indispensable tool for elevating your writing to new heights.

Click Here to Access Grammarly


Kiwi is an amazing AI-powered tool that has been designed to enhance the learning experience from videos. Tailored for users eager to extract maximum knowledge from video content, Kiwi allows them to pose questions, receive concise summaries, and even quiz themselves on the material at hand. The tool's versatility is evident as it seamlessly integrates with various types of video content, spanning TEDx Talks and educational videos covering fields such as engineering and science.

The magic of Kiwi lies in its sophisticated approach. Leveraging natural language processing, Kiwi breaks down video content to comprehend the conveyed information. The AI then generates comprehensive summaries and formulates quiz questions based on the video's content. The user-friendly interface empowers learners to interact effortlessly—typing questions or simply clicking a button to access summaries or quizzes.

Kiwi's focus on harnessing AI to optimize video-based learning is a game-changer for students and anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of specific subjects. By efficiently providing summaries and quiz questions, Kiwi not only saves users time but also enhances their retention of the material. With an interactive interface ensuring an engaging learning experience, Kiwi emerges as a valuable ally for those striving to make the most out of their educational journey.

Click Here to Access Kiwi


Mathly is an AI-powered tool that helps students with their math homework. This innovative AI tool reshapes the landscape of math problem-solving by making it not only easier but also personalized for individual learning styles. Powered by OpenAI's advanced machine learning algorithms, Mathly offers accurate results, step-by-step explanations, and personalized practice problems, alleviating the challenges associated with complex math problems. The platform's versatility extends to seamless integration with various software applications, including Shopify, Salesforce, Google Analytics, and QuickBooks, presenting a solution not only for students but also for businesses looking to streamline operations, automate workflows, and enhance data accuracy and efficiency.

Mathly's user-friendly approach allows individuals to simply take a photo of a math problem, triggering the AI to solve it and provide an understandable explanation. The platform goes beyond mere problem-solving by generating additional practice problems tailored to the user's learning style—whether visual aids, audio explanations, or detailed written methods. With the ability to answer follow-up questions and offer similar problems for further practice, Mathly emerges as a comprehensive tool that not only aids in homework but also promotes effective and efficient learning.

Designed as the future of homework help, Mathly caters to students seeking an effective and personalized way to conquer math-related challenges. Its capacity to provide personalized explanations, answer questions, and generate similar problems for practice positions Mathly as a dynamic tool for both learning and assessment. By combining AI precision with a user-centric approach, Mathly is poised to redefine how individuals approach math problem-solving, offering a streamlined and efficient learning experience for students and beyond.

Click Here to Access Mathly


Roshi is a powerful AI tool that makes it easy for teachers to create learning material from anything online in a single click. With Roshi, users can turn any news article from the web into a lesson, automatically simplifying the text to the appropriate level. In addition, users can create questions based on the lesson content and analyze the lesson in detail. Roshi has already proven to be a time saver for teachers across the world.

For language teachers, Roshi AI offers a unique opportunity to enhance students' language skills by providing concise summaries, vocabulary lists, and thought-provoking questions based on their preferred YouTube videos or articles. Subject teachers can leverage the platform to deepen students' understanding of complex topics, generating summaries and activities from relevant online resources. Tutors and homeschooling parents find in Roshi AI a time-saving ally, allowing them to effortlessly create personalized learning materials, aligning with individual students' needs and learning objectives. With Roshi AI, the emphasis shifts from laborious lesson preparation to impactful teaching, empowering educators to focus on what truly matters—nurturing a rich and engaging learning environment.

Click Here to Access Roshi


TutorAI is yet another amazing web-based AI Tool that seamlessly combines artificial intelligence and Ultralearning techniques to redefine your educational experience. Unlike traditional linear content, TutorAI employs an AI-powered algorithm that crafts a personalized learning path tailored to your unique needs, ensuring a challenging and engaging journey toward language proficiency. Whether you're an advanced learner or just starting, TutorAI stands out by adapting to individual preferences, setting it apart from other language-learning apps.

TutorAI's focus on advanced users is a key differentiator in the language-learning landscape. While many apps primarily cater to beginners, TutorAI provides challenging content and exercises, ensuring a rich learning experience at every skill level. The implementation of an Ultralearning map covering over 400 skills amplifies the comprehensiveness of the learning environment, offering an immersive approach that targets all facets of language proficiency. Beyond the algorithmic precision, TutorAI distinguishes itself with engaging, contextually relevant content spanning diverse topics such as business, legal, medical, sports, and more. The platform grants learners the autonomy to control their learning journey, liberating them from the constraints of linear paths and allowing a focus on what truly matters to each individual. TutorAI emerges as a dynamic, user-centric force in language education, making learning not just effective but enjoyable and personalized.

Click Here to Access TutorAI


Unschooler is one of our favourite AI-powered learning platform. The platform is dedicated to helping individuals acquire new skills and achieve their goals effortlessly. Boasting a rich set of features, Unschooler stands out for its personalized learning paths, providing users with tailor-made educational journeys based on their interests and aspirations. The platform goes beyond conventional learning experiences by offering AI-powered feedback, ensuring that users receive valuable insights to enhance their performance. Unschooler's interactive courses make the learning process enjoyable and engaging, fostering a sense of motivation and accomplishment. Additionally, the platform promotes a sense of community by connecting learners who can support and inspire each other throughout their educational journey.

Unschooler's innovative approach to education is driven by AI, delivering personalized video courses and homework assistance aligned with individual career goals and academic requirements. The AI mentor embedded in Unschooler ensures real-time feedback, adapting to users' learning styles and preferences, making it a versatile solution for various educational needs. The platform's efficiency is further highlighted by its ability to rapidly create courses that interact with students and adjust based on their feedback. With features like automatic inclusion of relevant videos and the option for a white-label school page, Unschooler simplifies the course creation process, allowing educators to focus on delivering impactful content rather than administrative tasks.

Unschooler introduces a game-changing approach to course creation, leveraging AI to turn topics, texts, links, or videos into fully-fledged courses within minutes. This not only saves valuable time but also ensures that courses are packed with engaging elements like videos, quizzes, and tasks. The platform's flexibility extends to the ability to publish courses on a white-label school page, providing a seamless and branded experience for users. Unschooler's cost-effective model allows educators to invite students and creators without additional charges, making it an accessible option for launching courses. The AI-driven platform doesn't stop at course creation; it offers interactive quizzes, informational guides, and detailed responses to student queries. Unschooler transforms learning into a dynamic and personalized experience, where progress tracking, skill maps, and daily tasks contribute to effective and efficient education. With Unschooler, teaching becomes not just a profession but a dynamic and empowering endeavor.

Click Here to Access Unschooler

More AI Tools for Students

In addition to the AI Tools listed above, below is a list other amazing AI tools which every student should have.

Lets wrap up this article by stating that the integration of AI tools into the educational journey is a transformative development for students. By harnessing the power of personalized learning, immediate feedback, and time efficiency, students can unlock their full academic potential and prepare for the challenges of the future. As the educational landscape continues to evolve, AI tools stand as invaluable companions in the quest for knowledge and academic excellence.

As you make efforts to achieve academic excellence, all of us at SchoolGist.Ng wish you the best of lucks.

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