Our attention has been drawn to a fake offer of provisional admission to a masters degree programme in Bells University purportedly written by one “Dr Johnson Okolo” as the registrar which is false.
The University dissociates itself from this false document issued to Heritage Olajunyi and other victims of such mischievous acts of scammers.
We hereby state as follows:
1. All admission processes are to be initiated through our online portal(links)
- https://portal.bellsuniversity.edu.ng/pgapplication (for postgraduates only)
- https://portal.bellsuniversity.edu.ng/application (for UTME undergraduates only)
- https://portal.bellsuniversity.edu.ng/transfer (for Transfer applicants only)
- https://portal.bellsuniversity.edu.ng/pdapplication (for foundation programme
- applicants only)
- https://portal.bellsuniversity.edu.ng/topupapplication (for Special Direct Entry only)
2. All payments regarding admission and new intake fees are to be made through these
dedicated portals only.
- https://portal.bellsuniversity.edu.ng/pgapplication (for postgraduates only)
- https://portal.bellsuniversity.edu.ng/application (for UTME undergraduates only)
- https://portal.bellsuniversity.edu.ng/transfer (for Transfer applicants only)
- https://portal.bellsuniversity.edu.ng/pdapplication (for foundation programme
- applicants only)
- https://portal.bellsuniversity.edu.ng/topupapplication (for Special Direct Entry only)
3. Candidates offered provisional admission into our postgraduate programmes as well as other members of the public with enquiries regarding postgraduate admission/programmes should contact :
Secretary, Postgraduate School Bells University of Technology Email: pgschool@bellsuniversity.edu.ng, pgadmissions@bellsuniversity.edu.ng Phone number: 08188271625
A specimen of the purported admission letter can be seen here
Secretary, Postgraduate School
Bells University of Technology
Km 8, Idiroko road, Ota
Ogun state, Nigeria