This is to inform students of the Babcock University 19th Undergraduate & 10th Postgraduate virtual convocation that they are to joining the Zoom meeting with their Matric and full names to avoid been removed from the meeting.
The following schools are to use this credential
Meeting ID 910 5033 8551,
Passcode 594Convo21
to join:
1. Management Sciences
2. LAW
3. Education & Humanities
4. Computing & Engineering Science
5. Clinical Science
6. Nursing Science
7. Basic Medical Science
The following schools are to use this credential
Meeting ID 939 9641 2758,
Passcode Convo21B33
to join:
1. Science & Technology
2. Public & Allied Health
3. Veronica Adeleke School of Social Sciences
4. College of Post Graduate
For general public:
to join us live or stream live on Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/babcockUniversityTV)