Babcock: Best Graduating Student, Why I Want To Be Nigeria's Health Minister'

Babcock: Best Graduating Student, Why I Want To Be Nigeria’s Health Minister’

How will you describe your four-year journey at Babcock?

It has been quite wonderful but not really an easy task. But I thank God for making it possible for me to graduate today as one of the successful students of the great institution.

When you first stepped into the school, did you envisage graduating as the best student four years later?

Yes I did. Right from the day one, I had set a target for myself. Though but for determination, focus and perseverance, I would not have been able to go this far. And I thank God that it all ended this way.

Was there any study technique you adopted during your undergraduate days?

Yes, I made sure I had my personal timetables which I wrote at the back of all my note books. These timetables guided me and helped me to do lots of personal study back in school. I made sure I followed the timetables with all diligence and prayer.

But being a missionary university, how were you able to sustain a relationship?

Though some people might be wondering that since Babcock University is a missionary school, how come I have a boyfriend? Well, I have to say the school is not all about academics, but also encourages social well being and interrelationship so that the students will not be timid later in life.

What informed your choice of Public Health as a course of study?

Well, in Ilishan Remo where I hail from, I will say there are lots of health challenges that people face and they hardly know their sources and how to treat them. As it is, in Ilishan so it is in many other rural and semi-urban communities across the country, mostly affecting women and children. So, I decided to study Public Health so as to help in saving lives.

And does the course meet that aspiration?

Public Health, as the name implies, is about the health of the public. It involves looking after the general well being, total health issues of people within a community. We run courses that dwell on immunization; create health awareness in the people; carry out researches in specific area of human health and diseases.

After such researches, we submit findings and also make recommendations to government and hospitals to pay adequate attention to particular ailment, either by funding or procuring critical medical facilities that would help in addressing the prevalence and all of that.

Ours is not to give injection to patients. But to carry out specific researches on ailments that have prevalence cases and make recommendations available to individuals, private organizations, government and NGO’s, among others.

What should the world look out for in you, in the next couple of years?

Yes, I want the world to look out for me. Later in life and if God permits me, I have the greatest aspiration to be Nigeria’s health minister. I hope I can make lots of impact on people and also save lots of lives from the stranglehold of different the of diseases. I really hope to soar beyond this level. I pray it does not just end here. I pray God Almighty to see me through.

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