Australian Government RTP Scholarships 2020 at Flinders University

Australian Government RTP Scholarships 2020 at Flinders University

Australian Government Research Training Program RTP Scholarships 2020 at Flinders University

The Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarships (AGRTPS) are specifically intended to support international students to undertake a Higher Degree by research at Flinders University.

A limited number (up to 10) of AGRTPS are available each year and the scholarship round is highly competitive. The AGRTPS is awarded to candidates who demonstrate outstanding aptitude for independent research. AGRTPS are considered on the basis of academic merit, academic research training and research indicators and performance.

The scholarship is tenable for up to three years for a Research Doctorate degree and up to two years for a Research Masters degree. Successful applicants are required to undertake full time study and must be commencing a higher degree by research in Australia for the first time.

Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarships Benefits.

  • The scholarships enable suitably qualified applicants to commence a full-time Higher Degree by research.
  • The AGRTPS pays the international student tuition fees charged by Flinders University for a Higher Degree by research.
  • The AGRTPS includes an international tuition fee offset, a living stipend paid at the rate of $28,092 (2020 rate),which is tax exempt and indexed annually, and Overseas Health Care cover.
  • An AGRTPS student who moves to Adelaide from overseas is eligible for an establishment allowance (after arrival at Flinders) of up to $1,485 to assist with relocation costs and airfares, provided receipts can be produced by the student.

Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarships Eligibility.

  • Applicants must satisfy the University’s academic entry requirements for a Masters degree by research or Doctorate by research.
  • Applicants are required to have successfully completed a degree at least the equivalent/comparable to an Australian First Class Hons degree (this is a four year degree with a major research project in the final year)
  • Applicants must have met the English proficiency levels set by Flinders University for international students at the time of application. Students for whom English is a foreign language will need to provide evidence of their English language competence.
  • Applicants must not hold an equivalent Higher Degree by research qualification. Applications are only open to students commencing a Higher Degree by research in Australia for the first time. 
  • Applicants must not hold Australian citizenship, Australian permanent resident status or New Zealand citizenship.

How to Apply for Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarships.

All applicants are required to read the application guidelines before submitting an application. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

To ensure your application is complete and competitive, please read and attend to the following:

  • Research Supervisor: You must make contact with an academic staff member and have an informal agreement from that person to supervise you if successful. Email evidence of the supervisor’s agreement should be included with your application.
  • Publications: You must include evidence that you have published; you may include up to five of your publications with your application.
  • Academic Transcripts: You must provide certified copies of all university level academic transcripts, translated into English, please do not provide secondary school certificates or non educational certificates or awards.
  • Research Proposal: You must include a research proposal of approximately 500 words in length, outlining the problem, hypothesis or question and the methodology or approach.
  • Academic Referees: Complete Section A of two copies of the Academic Referee’s Confidential Report forms and forward them to two appropriate referees of your choice. If possible the referees should have an informed, personal and professional knowledge of your academic ability and be able to exercise judgment of your research potential. Indicate on your application form who the Referee Report forms have been sent to. Academic Referee reports must be returned to [email protected] by August 7, 2020.
  • Curriculum Vitae: An updated CV outlining your work experience, all research experience, and a full list of cited publications should be included with your application.

Apply Here Official Link

RECOMMENDED: Check Here for More Scholarships and Opportunities.

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