Australia Government Australia Awards Scholarships for Developing Countries 2023

Australia Government Australia Awards Scholarships for Developing Countries 2023

Australia Awards Scholarships are long-term awards administered by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

They aim to contribute to the development needs of Australia's partner countries in line with bilateral and regional agreements.

They provide opportunities for people from developing countries, particularly those countries located in the Indo-Pacific region, to undertake full time undergraduate or postgraduate study at participating Australian universities and Technical and Further Education (TAFE) institutions.

The study and research opportunities provided by Australia Awards Scholarships develop the skills and knowledge of individuals to drive change and contribute to development in their own countries.

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Australia Government Australia Awards Scholarships

Application Deadline30 Nov 2022
Country to studyAustralia
TypeCollege School
SponsorAustralian Government
GenderMen and Women

Aim and Benefits of Australia Government Australia Awards Scholarships

Australia Awards Scholarships are offered for the minimum period necessary for the individual to complete the academic program specified by the Australian higher education institution, including any preparatory training. The following benefits generally apply:

  • full tuition fees
  • return air travel–payment of a single return, economy class airfare to and from Australia, via the most direct route
  • establishment allowance–a once only payment as a contribution towards accommodation expenses, text books, study materials
  • Contribution to Living Expenses (CLE) – a fortnightly contribution to basic living expenses paid at a rate determined by the department.
  • Introductory Academic Program (IAP)–a compulsory program prior to the commencement of formal academic studies covering information on living and studying in Australia
  • Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the duration of the award (for award holder only)–provided to cover the scholar's basic medical costs (with the exception of pre-existing conditions)
  • Pre-course English (PCE) fees–if deemed necessary PCE may be available for students for in-country and/or in-Australia training
  • supplementary academic support may be available to ensure a scholar's academic success or enhance their academic experience
  • fieldwork (for research awards and Masters by coursework which have a research component where fieldwork is compulsory) may be available for eligible research students for one return economy class airfare via the most direct route to their country of citizenship or within Australia.

Requirements for Australia Government Australia Awards Scholarships Qualification

To be eligible for Australian Government Awards for Developing Countries, applicants are expected to meet the following conditions:

  • Applicants from developing countries
  • Applicants must enrol in full-time program
  • Applicants should be enrolling for a Master’s degree study programme in an Australian public university
  • Applicants who want to accept an Australia Awards Scholarship will need to sign a contract with the Commonwealth of Australia declaring that they will comply with the conditions of the scholarship.
  • Scholars are required to leave Australia for a minimum of two years after completing their scholarship. Failure to do so will result in the scholar incurring a debt for the total accrued cost of their scholarship.

Application Deadline

November 30, 2022

How to Apply

Applicants seeking for Australian Government Awards for Developing Countries should submit their application through Online Australia Scholarships Information System (OASIS).

For more details,visit  Australian Government website.

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