The Al-Qalam University, Katsina Postgraduate school fees for PGD, Masters and Ph.D. fresh and returning students 2024/2025 academic session has been released by the management and school authority.
This information is for fresh postgraduate students who have chosen Al-Qalam University, Katsina (AUK) as their preferred choice of Institution during their PG registration or just want to inquire about AUK Postgraduate school fees for fresh and returning students 2024/2025 academic session?
The table below is a detailed schedule of AUK Postgraduate acceptance fee, school fees for MBA, PGD and Ph.D. fresh students for all available postgraduate courses offered in AUK, and please note that this fee is strictly PG students.
All newly admitted postgraduate students are to take note:
- a) AUKPostgraduate acceptance fee is to be paid first upon admission into the University, this is a process applicable in all schools of postgraduate studies in Nigeria, whether it is private universities, Federal or state universities.It serves as a proof of acceptance of the provisional admission.
- b) Late payment of AUKPG school fees or acceptance fee by both fresh and returning students would attract extra charges and failure to pay the fees on time could lead to the student’s inability to seat for their semester examination or forfeiture of admission as approved by the management of the institution.
AUK school of postgraduate studies like most does not offer the option of paying school fees in installments, fees are to be paid in a lump-sum except in rare cases where student is given special consideration.
See breakdown of Al-Qalam University, Katsina – AUK School fees for new and returning students into all forms of postgraduate programmes for 2024/2025 academic session below.
Upon completion of this post, readers ought to be clear about the following;
- i) AUKPG School fees for new students for admission into PGD, Masters and Ph.D. 2024/2025 Academic session
- ii) AUKpostgraduate tuition fees for returning students 2024/2025 session
iii) AUK PG School fees for all postgraduate courses offered in their institution 2024/2025 session
- iv) Other fees and charges payable at theAl-Qalam University, Katsinaas seen in the table below.
AUK Postgraduate School Fees Schedule for New & Returning Students 2024/2025 Academic Session
All newly admitted students of AUK are advised to pay their tuition fees for 2024/2025 academic session early to the designated banks as approved by the school management.
The review of registration fees for post-graduate students is as follows:
Masters PhD
- College of education
- Education 312,000.00 520,000.00
- Education sciences 416,000.00 676,000.00
- Education humanities 364,000.00 624,000.00
- Education humanities 312,000.00 520,000.00
- College of humanities 312,000.00 520,000.00
- Social & management science 364,000.00 624,000.00
- Natural & Applied science 416,000.00 676,000.00
Postgraduate Diploma (ALL Colleges) 260,000.00
Master –Professional (S M S) 416,000.00
Development levy (Compulsory) 10,000.00
NB: Payment should be done through the University’s portal
Here we have it, the comprehensive table containing AUK PG school fees for fresh and returning students for 2024/2025 academic session. If you have any input or questions as regards the above post, kindly scroll down to the comment section and get prompt feedback.
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