This is the reviewed Academic Calendar of the Federal Polytechnic, Auchi for 2nd Semester 2014/2015 Session (Regular).
Sunday 3rd May - Students arrive campus

Monday 4th May - Lectures begins
9th June - First course work test
10th July - Second Course work test
27th July - Second semester Examinations begins for students of Industrial Arts and Design
3rd August - Second semester Examinations begins for other Schools and Department
21st August - Second semester Examinations end
22nd August - Students vacate campus and ND 1 student taking part in SIWES proceed on (4)four months Industrial attachment
7th September - Departmental board meeting for the consideration of second semester examination results (Regular students)
15th September - School Board meeting for the consideration of second semester examination results (Regular students)
22nd - 23rd September - Academic Board meeting for the consideration of second semester examination results (Regular students)
12th December - 23rd Convocation
DEPUTY REGISTRAR (Academic Affairs)