This is to inform you that the Hostel Accommodation Portal will be open on Friday 3rd November, 2023 by 8:30 am. The students that are eligible for accommodation falls under the following categories:
- > Foreign Students
- > Physically deformed students
- > Fresh Students(100 Level &200 Level DE Undergraduates)
- > Final year (500 Level Undergaduates)
- > Students Union Executives
- > Outstanding sports men and women.
2. All students should note that accommodation is a privilege not a right and due to the limited bed-space it is by first-to come-first-to serve basis.
3. All eligible students are to carefully booked the Hostel at the Campus where his or her Faculty/ College is domiciled. Interchanging Hostels between Campuses is not acceptable.
4. All the hostel at Yelwa Campus are ready for occupation, while in Gubi Campus all the Female hostel are ready. However, out of the 5 male hostels blocks only 2 blocks (D and E) are ready. Other 3 blocks (Block C, CBN Block C& D) will follow soon.
5. I most sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding for the delay in making hostel accommodation available due to the through turn-around maintenance that was started pretty late.
Yours sincerely.