Today marks the first day of the 9th month of Islamic calender (Ramadan) in which all Muslim from the entire world fast to full the commandment of Allah almighty as mention in the quran; "O u believer fasting had been prescribe for you as it was prescribe for those before u" so what are we waiting, any good work done in this holy month is been x10.
So we have to wake up and be serious because its an opportunity once a year and remember the world is not in our hand today may be us while tomorrow others. I mean some had witness last year but had gone without seeing today. Among us some may not witness next year or 2 weeks coming.
Muslim Ummah the prophet had say "when u find your self awake in the morning work hard as if u will not reach afternoon likewise night" more so he said "o u believer u should utilize 3 thing during during your lifetime effectively b4 they disappear;
1. Utilize your youth stage before you get to old age.
2. Utilize your lifetime before the death arrive
3. Make use of the available wealth wisely and with charity.
There Ummah most of us are youth we have the capability of doing almost anything we are ask to, with these am throwing my advices;
1. We should try in term of performing the sallat after sahur (subhi) because most of us return to sleep after sahur which is unfortunate
2. Performing the night prayer around 1:00 is also another great deed which by that time anything you ask from God shall be fulfil insha allah
3. We should take every single minute important stop spending to much time on tv, social network, football, chatting with friend unnecessarily looking forbidden video at internet instead sit down and recite the holy qur''an or while walking recite the tasbih >subhanallah wal hadullah wallah akbar or if nothing doing attend to the nearest mosque for tafsir
lastly, muslim ummah these oppotunity is once in a year we are seeing today, but is tomorrow in our hand? think of it.
In conclusion, a reminder about the night of power(lailatul qadr) is a single night greater than a thousand night in which the qur''an itself was revealed as mention in the qur''an.
we expect it during last day of ramadan around 25-29 if i were you brothers and sister i will minimize my sleep to witness these single day but for more knowledge on this night refer to suratul qadr in the qur''an also remember that the prophet companion use to weep (cry) out when ramadan come to an end because of the going of month of abundant ni''imah nd forgiveness
With these am wishing all the entire worldwide muslim ummah HAPPY RAMADANUL KAREEM infact in general and my good regards to SchoolGist team.
The SchoolGist Team also Wishes all Muslims a HAPPY RAMADANUL KAREEM.