Cleanliness is one of the good qualities of human existence. It is part of our civilization. A man of dirty habits is far from civilization. So, with the progress of civilization, man cleans himself more and more. He cleans his body; He cleans his mind and heart. He cleans all his actions and manners. He cleans his soul. This will lead him to the highest form of civilization. But on the cleanliness of the body, depend all other cleanings. Hence, cleanliness is considered so important.
For one to be certified as clean, one has to:
Be free from dirt, pollutants or impurities
Be unsoiled
Be attentive to personal hygiene
Be morally pure
Resolve to isolate filth from one’s environment
If we clean our bodies and limbs we will be free from many kinds of disease. Clean foods cooked in the clean pot and served in the clean dishes, will give us health and happiness. If we clean our bodies regularly, our complexion will be brighter. We will look fit and smart. If we wear clean dress our mind will be happy. Cleanliness gives us a cheerful mind.
We are more interested to write on a clean book than on a dirty one. Hence, we write more and better. So, cleanliness brings us progress and improvement in all fields of activities and in all spheres of life. By cleanliness of body and limbs, cleanliness of all our articles of use, cleanliness of our dwellings and soul, we gradually move towards divinity. Hence, there is a saying, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”.
Cleanliness is an aspect most of us handle with carefree attitudes, the rank and file feels it concerns just the elite, as they blame it on insufficient resources required to maintain a comfortable environment. Cleanliness does not stop at taking one’s bath, brushing the teeth and most expectedly, keeping one’s utensils far from dirt and contamination, it is an all round exercise.
It is presently prevalent to find an environment littered despite the presence of waste bins. The populace believes that there are certain personnel, whose duties are to ensure that their environs are kept in acceptable conditions, exempting themselves hence promoting dirt dissemination.
Keeping dirt has become a norm in infamous cities and pathways not excluding highways, minor roads, market places, walkways, certain offices and even lecture halls, as the environment is filled with all sort of consumed packaged products without the consideration of its adverse effects not just to the offender but also to his immediate environment.
The lackadaisical attitude towards cleanliness could be militated if ‘the literate’ who are not innocent themselves can lead the transformation of their environment through awareness, to encourage and promote cleanliness.
In order to keep ourselves neat and clean, we should properly take daily care of ourselves, of our articles of use, of our dwellings and surroundings and of our neighbourhood. We should clean our teeth and tongues two times a day, in the morning and before going to bed. Besides, we should clean our mouths properly, before and after each meal and Tiffin.
We should wash our bodies two times a day with soap and water, clean our cloth and shirts with washing soap, sweep our house off all dirt. We should remove the filth and rubbish into a pit or waste bin, dug out at a distance for this purpose. We should clean our beddings and lay them exposed to sun and air, look to the proper drainage and sanitation work of our house and the surrounding, advice our neighbours to be neat and clean. Because we cannot be perfectly clean, if our neighbours are dirty.
We should wash our latrines and urinals everyday with dettol and phenyl. We should get our hair cut and our nails pared at proper intervals. These are some important guidelines to keep ourselves neat and clean.
Cleanliness will indeed go a long way in preventing infections and the widespread of diseases hence creating a friendly environment that would be convenient for studying, working and leisure.
Cleanliness can return to even the worst obscene environs if only its inhabitants would decide to dispose their refuse properly and encourage others to, which will in turn lead to decline in death rate and the susceptibility of one to environmental hazards.
It is really a matter of sorrow that most of our students are dirty It is very sorrowful when we think that they keep dirt though they read science and hygiene. To make our countrymen neat and clean, we should put ideals in our public institutions so our students should learn to keep themselves clean regularly.