This is to inform the general public that the Arthur Jarvis University proposed academic calendar for the 2019/2020 academic session has been released. See full breakdown of activities below;
1. Friday 2nd Oct., 2020. Resumption (All students of the University are expected back on Campus.)
2. Monday 5th Oct., 2020. Revision/Examination Clearance (Revision/Examination clearance commence in preparation for the 2019/2020 First Semester Examinations.)
3. Friday 16th Oct., 2020. End of Revision/Examination Clearance (Revision/Examination clearance end for all students.)
4.Saturday 17th Oct., 2020. Matriculation (All 2019/2020 newly admitted Students are required to fulfill all requirements and be properly kitted for the Matriculation exercise. The Matriculation ceremony is strictly for students. Parents/Guests are not invited in view of Covid-19 restrictions.)
5.Monday 19th Oct., 2020. Examinations / Make-up classes 2019/2020 First Semester Examinations/Make-up classes begin.)
6.Friday 6th Nov., 2020. End of Examinations / Make-up classes (2019/2020 First Semester Examinations/Make-up classes end.)
Revision 2 Week
Examinations 3 Weeks
TOTAL 5 Weeks
1. Monday 9th Nov., 2020. Registration/2019-2020 First Semester Make-up Examinations (Course Registration begin for all Students. 2019/2020 First Semester Make-up examinations commence.)
2. Wednesday 11th Nov, 2020. Lectures (Lectures begin for all Students.)
3. Friday, 20th Nov., 2020. Registration/Make-up Examinations End (Regular registration/Make-up examinations end. Late registration begins.)
4.Friday, 8th Dec., 2020. Christmas/New Year holidays (All students are required to vacate the University campus for the Christmas/New Year holidays.)
5.Friday, 8th Jan., 2021.All students (new and old) return back to campus.(All students are required to resume for a continuation of academic activities)
6.Monday, 11th Jan, 2021. Lectures Resume (All students are compulsorily required to resume lectures after the Christmas/New Year holidays.)
7. Monday 25th Jan, 2021. Lectures end/Revision (Revision exercise commence in preparation for the Second Semester Examinations.)
8. Monday, 1st Feb., 2021. Examinations begin. (2019/2020 Second Semester Examinations commence for all Students.)
9. Friday,19th Feb, 2021. End of Examinations (End of 2019/2020 Second Semester. All students vacate the University campus.)
Lectures 12 Weeks
Examinations 3 Weeks
TOTAL 15 Weeks
(Director of Academic Planning
& Quality Assurance)