The solution is simple. Get our JAMB CBT Practice Software!
The JAMB CBT Practice Software product will help you adequately prepare for your upcoming JAMB CBT and PPT exams. Apart from preparing you for the exams, it gives you the opportunity and creates the path for you to start becoming computer literate (If you're not already).
Here are some of the features of the software;
1. It comes with JAMB Past Questions from 1978 till date.
2. Contains all JAMB Subjects
3. No Internet connection is required to use it.
4. It will educate you on some of the features you expect to see in the real JAMB CBT exam.
5. It comes with our Award winning Admission 101 book. You can''t get this anywhere else.
6. For those writing CBT Post-UTME, this software will also help you in enlighten you on how your exam environment will look like.
7. Makes you computer literate before the d-day (27th April).
How to get the CBT Software
1. Place an order on our website and get an "ORDER CODE".
2. Make payment (N2000 only) into our official Bank Account, using your ORDER CODE to replace your name on the bank teller.
3. Within 12 hours, you'll get an SMS from SchoolGist.
4. Follow the instructions on the SMS to download your copy.
5. After download, follow the instructions to activate it.
6. You now have LIFETIME ACCESS to practice JAMB Past Questions on your PC.
7. If you're impressed and want to place an order right now, please click here
Why does it not work on mobile?
Since JAMB will set the exam on a computer, not a mobile device, the software is designed to emulate the real exam environment and get you acquainted with a computer system.
If you're impressed and want to place an order right now, please click here
If you have any issues concerning the JAMB CBT Exam for 2013 or Software, please post a comment and we'll look into your issue and attend to you ASAP.