The Athens Photo World with the donation of Stavros Niarchos Foundation, organizes the annual Yannis Behrakis International Photojournalism Award for professional photojournalists. They invite professional photojournalists to submit a completed project of reportage or documentary photography, created within the last 3 years.
Athens Photo World will award a €15,000 cash prize.
Athens Photo World Yannis Behrakis International Photojournalism Award Eligibility.
- Participation in the competition is free of charge
- Participants must be professional photographers
- The photographic project to be submitted for evaluation must have been carried out between January 2016 and August 2019
- The photographic project submitted for evaluation should to be classified as a ‘reportage’ or ‘documentary’
- Files are to be sent at 72dpi and 2000pixels on the large side, with captions, written in English, in the file info field
- Participants must also send an accompanying text/story, not exceeding 250 words
- The photographs must not have been subject to alterations or any kind of digital manipulation other than cropping and basic exposure, contrast and luminance correction
- Submissions should be sent in a folder(.zip) with the photographer’s name and each file named with the photographer’s name and the file number e.g. Giorgos_Papadopoulos_01.jpeg
- The finalists selected for the last round of judging will be required to produce the RAW image files as delivered by the camera
- The nominated winner will be required to produce the uploaded images with the original file size (unless cropped) in 300 dpi
- The winner will be required to produce evidence (identity or documents) of professional engagement
- Participants must guarantee that they are the authors and copyright owners of the submitted photos
- The participants give to the organisers of Athens Photo World the right to use one of their photographs for the promotion of the competition (website, media and social media) both during the current event and in future ones
- The photos submitted to the contest remain the intellectual property of their creators. Athens Photo World will take all applicable measures to ensure that the photographs submitted to the contest are not to be used for any purpose other than the purposes of promotion by the organisation itself and its affiliates.
How to Submit Entries for Athens Photo World Yannis Behrakis International Photojournalism Award.
Those wishing to participate should send a portfolio up to twenty-four (24) photographs, with captions or file info and a supporting text/story (200-250 words).
Submissions close on Sunday, August 25, 23:59
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