UNIZIK Business School hereby invites applications from qualified professionals of all backgrounds who are desirous of acquiring general management education for effective leadership and management in business and government.
- Doctor of Business Administration (Executive DBA)
- Doctor of Public Administration (Executive DPA)
- Masters in Business Administration (Executive MBA)
- Masters in Public Administration (Executive MPA)
- MBA in Project Management
- MBA in Engineering Management
- MSc. Applied Economics
- MSc. Management
- MSc. Industrial Relations & Human Resource Management
- Professional Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PPGDM)
- Executive Certificate Programmes (International Management Programme, Chief Executive Programme, Business Owners Programme, Senior Management Programme, Agric. Business Management Programme).
An applicant into any of the above stated programmes should possess any of the following:
i) Bachelor’s degree from any approved University with a minimum of Second-Class Honours (Lower Division). For MSc, a minimum of 3.0 on a five-point scale will be required.
ii) Professional Post Graduate Diploma (PPGD) in Management Sciences and allied disciplines could also be considered for MBA/MSc Programmes.
iii) MBA/MPA/MSc required for admission into the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) and Doctor of Public Administration (DPA) programmes.
All candidates for admission must have a minimum of 3 years managerial/supervisory level work experience in Private or Public Sector and/or 2 years self-employment experience.
NB: You are required to request for your transcript and have it addressed to: Office of the Director, UNIZIK Business School, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. Your admission depends on it.
All programmes of UNIZIK Business School are offered on Saturdays and Sundays to suit the schedule of busy executives. The duration for the different programmes shall be a minimum of 24 months, or for the DBA/DPA, a minimum period of 48 months.
1. Visit UNIZIK Business School portal-my.unizik.edu.ng/ubs
2. Create an account.
3. Generate RRR pin.
4. Take the RRR pin to any bank and make payment of N 20,000.00.
5. Go back to the portal, log in with the username and password you chose when you created your account.
6. Fill and submit the form online; you may print a copy of the form for yourself.
Alternatively, you may visit UNIZIK Business School and fill the application form manually.
For more enquiries call-0803 454 8236 Note: All applicants to the Professional Post Graduate Programmes will be subjected to an oral interview. The interview will hold at UNIZIK Business School on Saturday, 25th September, 2021 by 12:00 noon. This notice serves as invitation to the oral interview.