Anchor University resumption notice to all students

Anchor University resumption notice to all students

This is to announce to all 300LEVEL Students  from FSSE, all FRESHERS -100&200 LEVEL/JUPEB students, and all other RETURNING students the resumption schedule for the 2020/2021 Academic Session as approved by the senate

It is expected that, at least, 60% of the School Fees must have been paid on or before the day. Furthermore, COVID 19 PROTOCOL items such as Face Shield, Bottled Sanitizer and Nose Mask, will be given at the point of entry into the campus. Therefore, students are to pay the sum of N3,000 to Anchor University First Bank Account 2032404236. No student will be allowed into the Halls of Residence without showing evidence of payment.

300L students (Faculty of Science and Science Education only) – Sunday, 8/11/2020

Freshers of 100L/200L and JUPEB students – Sunday, 15/11/2020

All other returning students – Sunday, 29/11/2020

All students (both returning and fresh), should note that COVID-19 PROTOCOL ITEMS SUCH AS FACE SHIELD, NOSE MASKS AND HAND SANITIZER are still compulsory and important conditions for resumption and acceptance into the Campus and Hall of residence. Payment of N3000.00 for the materials should be made into  Anchor University Account  No: 2032404236 at First Bank.

On behalf of the Vice Chancellor, J.O. Afolayan, and Management, please keep safe and journey mercies. Shalom!


M.O. Salami

Ag. Registrar

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