Great Students in SchoolGist, The higher Institution is for serious minded people who want to attend great height in Life.
You have to start working to make a Second Class Upper Division from your 100 Level, don't allow any one to deceive you with Campus Bubblin, as it may be too late! Before you realize this, you are graduating to the Labour Market, where Second Class Upper gradaute are treated with respect especially in Multi-national Companies where pay is High.
In my days as undergraduate in Nasarawa state university keffi, i never Listen, always catching my fun until it was too late for me, it took the grace of God for me to graduate with Second Class Lower Division, now am doing my masters in same school, i will ensure i graduate with Second Class Upper by God grace this year 2012. Please take your studies serious and God will stand by you till the end.
All the best to you all. May God bless SchoolGist for this awareness given to Students.