This is to bring to your notice that the Academic Board at its 149th meeting held on 21 January, 2021 approved the mounting of Summer Semester with the following guidelines
a) Participants:
300 Tevel Students (2019/2020), Spill over and Amnesty Students.
b) Registration Fees:
1. Purchase of Application Form =N20 000.00
2. 1-3 courses - N8.000.00
3. 4-6 courses =N10,000.00
4. 7 and above courses - N12,000.00
c) Calendar of the Programme:
1. 8th March-19th March 2021 - Registration period
2. 15 March-24 April, 2021 - (6 Weeks) Lecture Period
3. 26 April - 8th May, 2021 - Examination period
4. 10th-22nd May, 2021 - Marking period
5. 24 May -4 June, 2021 - Computation of Results
6. 7th-11 June, 2021 - Vetting of Results by the Business Commitee
7. 17 June, 2021 -Academic Board meeing to consider Summer Semester Resuits.
Staff and Paricipants are requested to give the Programme maximum co-operation and supports to enable it achieve the desired objectives, please.