Aminu Saleh COE notice of summer semester programme, 2023/2024

Aminu Saleh COE notice of summer semester programme, 2023/2024

This is to inform all staff and students that the Academic Board at its 163d meeting held on 1 August, 2024 has approved the mounting of 2023/2024 Summer Semester programme with the following guidelines:

A) Participants

  • 200 level,
  • 300 level students 2023/2024 Academic Session,
  • Spill Over and
  • Amnesty Students

B. Registration fees

i. Purchase of Application Form - 2000

ii. 1-3 Courses=N10,000

iii. 4-6 Courses- N12,000

iv. 7-15 courses-N14,000

c) Calendar of the Programme:

14th October, 2024-25th October, 2024 - Registration Period (11 days)

28 October, 2024- 21November, 2024 - Revision Period (4 weeks)

25th November, 2024-7th December, 2024 - Examination period (2 weeks)

9th December, 2024-21 December 2024 - Marking period (2weeks)

23 December, 2024-14th January, 2025 - Computation (2 weeks)

15th January, 2025-24 January, 2025 - Vetting of results by Academic Board Business Committee.

31 January, 2025 - Academic Board Meeting to Consider Summer Semester Results

Staff and Participants are requested to give the programme the maximum cooperation and support to enable it achieves the desire objectives, please,

Thank you for your usual cooperation

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