Further to our earlier Circulars on the Re-opening of the College, this is to inform you that the Management has re-iterated the need to ensure full compliance with the COVID-19 Safety Guidelines provided by Government. This is enforced on all members of the College Community (Staff and Students) including Visitors into the College.
In view of the above, you are kindly requested to ensure strict compliance by wearing Face Masks and using Hand Sanitizers. You are also to ensure observing Social and Physical Distancing Protocols in all Offices, Hostels and Lecture Rooms.
However, without any prejudice to the earlier mandate of the Resumption and Monitoring Committee of the College, the Provost has directed that the individual Deans, Directors, Sectional and Unit Heads, Academic HOD's, Programme Coordinators and all Lecturers are also to ensure strict adherence to the measures.
Furthermore, no any Student will be allowed to be registered or attend lectures including other academic activities in the College without having his/her Face Mask henceforth, please.