JAMB is currently withholding 80,889 Results, and has said that all will be released before Admission for 2017/2018 Commence.
This brings the total of released JAMB Results at 1,606,901.
Prof. Oleyede pointed out that the results of candidates with "Super Rich" parents, who paid 200,000 for upgrade of results are still under investigation, adding that "Next year we are going to put electronic jammers in all the CBT centres. They better start to think of another way because we know that is what they do and we will also plan ahead of them."
He said a total of 640 candidates could not write their exams because of Biometric Verification Issues. He said the issue has now been identified, and that this set of candidates will be made to write their own exams under his very own supervision.
He urged candidates who have problems with data to visit any JAMB-owned CBT centres for correction.
"Those who made mistake you will go and do the correction in JAMB CBT centres free of charge. We are not closing correction. Correction will continue. If you don’t have time now go next week or next month.
"At JAMB offices, they have been told to do the correction free once you have paid through TSA. Even the printing for you should be free," he added.