The Alhikmah University 2016/2017 new students’ JAMB Admission Letter is available for printing. All students of Alhikmah University admitted through UTME and Direct Entry in the 2016/2017 academic session that their JAMB ADMISSION LETTERS ARE NOW AVAILABLE ON THE JAMB website www.jamb.org.ng.
Students are strongly advised to print the letter and submit the institution’s copy to the Admissions Office and their various Level Advisers in due course.
For guidelines on how to print your admission letter, visit: JAMB Admission Letter: How To Get Yours
Those who did not choose Al-Hikmah University, Ilorin as First Choice and yet to apply for change of Institution would have to do so not later than Friday 28th of April, 2017 before they can print the Admission Letter.
Failure to do this lead to forfeiture of the JAMB Admission Letter.
For further clarification or assistance, please, do not hesitate to visit the Admission Office.