Prof. Dibu Ojerinde, yesterday, confirmed that Albinos writing the 2012 UTME will be given an extra time of 2 hours to allow them a leveled ground and equal opportunities with other candidates writing the exam.
Ojerinde noted that because the Albinos are usually challenged with sight problems, majority of them end up not adequately completing the exam as compared to their other colleagues, hence the gesture.
In response to this gesture, The Albinos Foundation has since replied to encourage more albinos to always write Jamb's UTME.
Though a good gesture, it has sparked off a series of questions and controversies such as;
1. Those who are albinos and use glasses or have good eye sights.
2. Those who actually have bad eye sights and are not albinos... Nothing for them?
3. Is this the only gesture to offer the albinos? Was the printing of the texts in larger fonts put into consideration?
4. On what basis was the 2 extra hours reached?
5. Is this not a form of discrimination on the albinos themselves?
What do you think about the move by Jamb? Use the comments boxes below.