This is to inform the students that the following are the provisions of Management policy on students accommodation in 2023/2024 academic session:
1. University Hostel accommodation is COMPULSORY for all New, 200 Level and Final year students.
2. Students from other levels who could not be accommodated In University hostels are to pay HOSTEL EXEMPTION FEE of N10,000.
3. The student Affairs office has the list of APPROVED OUT- OF-CAMPUS HOSTELS/HOUSES
4. Students are implored to contact the Student Affairs Office with the receipt of their hostel exemption to obtain CLEARANCE/HOSTEL PASS before taking any Out-of- Campus Hostel or House.
5. This PASS would grant CAMPUS ENTRY to the students on daily basis. 6. Please note that STUDENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO LIVE IN ANY HOSTEL OR HOUSE WHICH IS NOT ON THE APPROVED LIST.
Thank you.