Al-Hikmah University's academic calendar for 2019/2020 session has been published. All students of the university are hereby informed that academic activities have been scheduled to run as shown below;
Al-Hikmah University academic calendar for 2019/2020 session
Tue,. 1st October, 2019 | Independence Day (Pubilc Holiday) | |
Sat., 12th October, 2019 | 100 Level UTME & 200 Level Direct Entry Students Resume for 2019/2020 Academic Session | |
Mon., 14th-Fri., 18th Oct., 2019 | Registration of Freshers/ Research Soft skill Training for Freshers | |
Sat., 19th-20th Oct. 2019 | End of Research Soft skill Training for the Freshers/ Returning Students Resume for 2019/2020 Academic Session | |
Mon., 21st-Sat., 26th Oct., 2019 | Registration of Returning Students/ Research Soft skill Training for Returning Students / Orientation Programme for Freshers | |
Sat., 26th Oct., 2019 | End of Research Soft skill Training for Returning Students | |
Mon. 28th Oct. 2019 | First Semester Lectures Begin for all Students | |
Wed. 25th–Thur. 26th December, 2019 | – | Public Holiday(Christmas and Boxing Day) |
Wed., 1st January, 2020 | – | Public Holiday (New Year Day) |
Sat. 18th Jan., 2020 | First Semester Lectures End | |
Mon., 20th-Sat., 25th Jan., 2020 | REVISION (for First Semester Examinations) | |
Mon., 27th Jan., – Sat., 8th Feb., 2020 | FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS | |
Sun., 9th-Sat., 22nd Feb., 2020 | Inter-Semester Break (2 Weeks) | |
Sun., 23rd Feb. 2020 | Resumption for Second Semester (All Students) | |
Mon., 24th Feb., 2020 | Second Semester Lectures Begin | |
Fri., 28th Feb., 2020 | MATRICULATION | |
Mon., 2nd – Sat. 7th March, 2020 | First Semester Examinations for Freshers | |
Fri., 1st May, 2020 | W O R K E RS’ D A Y | |
Sat., 16th May, 2020 | Second Semester Lectures End | |
Mon., 18th-23rd May, 2020 | REVISION (for Second Semester Examinations) | |
Sun., 24th -Tue., 26th May, 2020 | Eid-il-Fitri Break (Tentative) | |
Mon., 1st-Sat., 6th June 2020 | SECOND SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS (Final Year Only) | |
Mon., 8th-Sat. 20th June 2020 | SECOND SEMESTER EXAMINATIONS (100-300L and 400L Law STUDENTS) | |
Fri., 12th June, 2020 | D E M O C R A C Y D A Y | |
Mon., 22nd June, 2020 | Long Vacation /Commencement of SIWES Programme | |
12 weeks of Instruction | 12 weeks of Instruction | |
1 week of Revision | 1 week of Revision | |
2 weeks of Examinations | 2 weeks of Examinations |