This is to inform all students of Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic (AKWAPOLY) that will take part in the upcoming SUG Elections to note the following guidelines;
To Vote, you must:
• Be a student of Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic
• Be a student in 2019/2020 session
• Have paid your 2019/2020 school fees( full Payment or first installment)
Voting Procedure
Students should visit the voting portal https://portal.akwaibompoly.edu.ng/evoting/Login.aspx and login using the following details
For ND students: Use Jamb Reg. Number as USERNAME and School fees RRR Number as PASSWORD
For HND Students: Use Admission Number as USERNAME and School fees RRR Number as PASSWORD
Visit https://portal.akwaibompoly.edu.ng/evoting/ElectionResult.aspx to view election results
Note that you can vote your candidate from anywhere in the country