AKWAPOLY deadline for payment of school fees and assigning of project supervisors

AKWAPOLY deadline for payment of school fees and assigning of project supervisors

The Academic Board at its meeting 31st July, 2023 considered the issue of late payment of school fees by the above listed categories of students and late assigning of project supervisors with the attendant effect on the quality of project output; and approved one month deadline for the completion of fees and assigning of project supervisors accordingly.

This decision became necessary to allow ample time for a thorough research project and supervision of the affected students.

Consequently, Management has directed all the affected students to ensure the completion of their fee payments on or before Thursday, 31st August, 2023.

Students who would not meet up the above deadline would have to carry-over research project writing as a course in the subsequent academic session.

Be properly guided.




cc: Rector


Polytechnic Librarian

Deans of Schools

Director, Directorate of Research & Development

Director, DERR

Heads of Departments/Units

All Notice Boards

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