This is to inform all the above listed categories of Students that Management has approved the online conduct of test and examination for them on GNS106, GNS 206 and GNS306, to facilitate ease of participation anywhere in the country.
The test/examination has been scheduled as follows:
1. NDII - GNS106 - WEDNESDAY (09/08/2023) - 10.00AM - 5.00PM - ONLINE
HNDII - GNS306 - WEDNESDAY (09/08/2023) - 10.00AM - 5.00PM - ONLINE
2. NDII - GNS206 - THURSDAY (10/08/2023) - 10.00AM - 5.00PM - ONLINE
Consequently, all the affected students who have not yet registered are hereby reminded to register on or before Monday, 7th August, 2023 in order to be eligible to participate in the test/examination, as Management has graciously extended the deadline.
N/B: Students who did not provide functional phone numbers in the stipulated column of the Registration Form should do same immediately or contact Psychometrics Studies Unit for at enquiry.
Be properly guided.
cc: Rector
Polytechnic Librarian
Deans of Schools
Director, Academic Planning
Director, DERR
Desk Officer, Psychometric Studies
Heads of Departments/Units