AKSU disclaims recruitment rumour

AKSU disclaims recruitment rumour

The attention of the management of AKSU has been drawn to an advertisement in the social media with the following link: https://deroundtable.com/akwa-ibom-state- university-aksu-current-recruitment/ entitled Akwa Ibom State University(AKSU)... derountable.com

Members of the public are hereby informed that the advertisement did NOT emanate from the Office of the Registrar as it was never authorized by the Governing Council of Akwa Ibom State University and, therefore, should be discountenanced.

Any person who responds to the said advertisement or transacts business with any person(s) on the basis of the fake advertisement does so at his/her risk as the Akwa Ibom State University will not accept liability for such an action.

Please, be guided.


John E. Udo

Registrar & Secretary to Council

July 10, 2021

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