This is to inform all students, staff and the Polytechnic Community that Management at its 391 Regular Meeting held on Tuesday, 16 August, 2022 directed that all fees for EED course materials henceforth MUST be paid into the Centre for Entrepreneurship Education Designated Bank Account with effect from the 2021/2022 academic session.
The Account Details of the Centre for Entrepreneurship Education are as follows:
Name:Centre for Entrepreneurship Education
Account Number: 0122020540
Bank Name: Polyunwana Micro Finance Bank
Any student who pays fees for EED Course Materials as from 17 August, 2022 into an unauthorized bank account makes an invalid payment and will not be issued EED course materials.
The decision of Management is hereby communicated to you for your information and strict compliance.
By this memorandum, the Polytechnic Bookshop Committee is henceforth directed to honour bank tellers used for payment into CEE bank account by students for EED Course Materials with effect from 17 August, 2022.