Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic Post-UTME form, eligibility, application fee, and registration details for the 2024/2025 Academic Session have been announced. The application fee is N2000. Interested candidates are to check the full details below;
Interested Candidates who participated in the 2024 UTME and scores up to 100 are invited to apply for online screening for admission into Full-Time National Diploma programmes.
Instructions and Guidelines:
- National Diploma (ND) candidates should maintain the name in their O’level Certificate(s).
- Any discrepancy in the name in the certificate (s) will lead to disqualification.
- No candidate should upload any result other than those uploaded to JAMB.
- Upload your O’level results to JAMB portal only in JAMB CBE centres not Cyber Café, if you have not done so.
- All candidates should include their valid phone numbers during the application for screening for effective communication.
- All candidates should ensure that they enter valid 0’level scratch card/token details during the application for screening.
- All candidates should ensure that they COMPLETE the online application forms after payment.
- If your First Choice institution is not Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic, Unwana, please change for prompt action.
Method Of Application
The Application Fee for post UTME is Two Thousand Naira (N2,000.00).
Candidates should pay the Screening Application Fee through the Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic, Unwana Remita Platform in any bank in Nigeria.
1. Candidates should visit the school website: http://portal.polyunwana.edu.ng/screeningapplication.aspx
2. Select your programme type and provide your REG No/Phone No, fill in your detail ACCURATELY and click the “sign in” button.
3. Print the Invoice page that pops out.
4. Proceed to the bank(any commercial bank) with the print-out and make your payment using the Remita RRR Generated.
5. After the payment, Return to the portal and click the “Apply Now” Button
6. Select the Application Type and Supply your RRR
7. Proceed to fill your details accurately.
Basic Screening Documents:
The following basic documents are required for the online screening. Other required documents are listed on the Polytechnic website and the application form.
(i) Original copy of 2024 JAMB UTME Result.
(ii) Original copy of O’level Result(s).