This is to bring to the notice of admitted students of Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic that they can now go ahead to pay the acceptance fee of N10,000 following the procedure below;.
1. Open your web browser and log on to www.akanuibiamfedpoly.net.
2. Log in to your profile using ur application number
using this format 2016/APP/HND/00000 for HND students or 2016/APP/ND/00000 for ND students.
3. When your profile opens, click on Fees button, locate and click on generate invoice button and for another page to open, select payment options and click on pay.
4. print the invoice that will be displayed and proceed to the bank for payment.
5. After payment go back to www.akanuibiamfedpoly.net and log in to your profile, click on fees button and click on verify payment.
6. Click on verify payment and type in the RRR number and click on verify to verify that you have paid acceptance fee.
Also note that registration have commenced, so you are to come down to the school with the following documents and commence your registration:
i. Jamb result
ii. O level result
iii. ND result for hnd students
iv. IT letter for hnd students
v. Secondary School Testimonials
vi. LGA certificate or certificate of origin.
vii. Birth certificate
viii. Attestation Letter and
ix. Your passports.