Please recall that by our circular Ref. ACU/RO/7.15 dated February 23, 2018, the decision of the University Management was communicated to all students that the University would not Close for Easter, in view of the fact that students had prolonged Christmas and Semester holidays.
However, due to appeals by some parents, Management has now decided that the University will observe the Easter holidays, namely, Good Friday on Friday 30th March, 2019; Easter Day on Sunday 1st April, 2018; and Easter Monday on Monday 2nd April, 2018.
Students who wish to remain on campus for the Easter period are at liberty to do so. However, students who to wish to travel home for the, Easter holidays should apply
formally to the Dean of Students Affairs latest by Friday 23rd March, 2018 for issuance of exeat. '
Students can travel in the morning of Thursday 29th March, 2018 and return to campus UNFAILINGLY on Tuesday 3rd April, 2018. Lectures will resume on Wednesday 4th
April, 2018.
Mid-semester examinations will hold from Monday 9th to Friday 13th April, 2018. Please, note that lectures will continue during the period of the mid-semester examinations.
Students are reminded that the mid-semester examinations constitute the Continuous Assessment component of the overall examination scores. They are, therefore, advised,
in their own interest, to ensure that they present themselves for the mid-semester examinations.
Management wishes all students a happy Easter celebration and travelling mercies for all who will travel during the period.
Adenike T. Fatogun (Mrs.)