Ajayi Crowther University Important Notice To Students

Ajayi Crowther University Important Notice To Students

The management of Ajayi Crowther University wishes to inform all students of the university as follows;

-The use of phones and mobile gadgets by students in Chapel services is hereby prohibited. Student's found defaulting will have their phones confiscated in addition to other disciplinary measures.

-Students who are yet to resume for the 2nd Semester will have marks deducted from their Character Code for every chapel service missed and days of lectures missed.

-Students who still haven't resumed by April 2nd will have the gates of the University shut against them and would not be allowed entry into the University. They will be deemed to have absented themselves for the semester. Parents and Students should take note.

-There shall be no Easter break. All students are advised to remain on campus. This decision is based on the opinion of the Parents and Sponsors Forum as well as in view of the fact that the 2nd semester has just commenced.

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