PREAMBLE: Ahman Patigi University (APU) is a University aiming to become a world class University. APU gives quality education in different fields of study to our young ones and the aged at reasonable rates. We offer quality education in a conducive learning and teaching environment, all the character, knowledge and skills required by those who pass through the system to be able to live responsible lives. The
University is in Patigi and any interested candidate should be able to reside inside the main campus in Patigi, Kwara State, Nigeria.
An applicant for the post of the Vice-Chancellor of Ahman Pategi University (APU) must possess the following qualities and qualifications:
The Vice-Chancellor of APU must be a Professor of not less than Eight (8) years standing and must have a PhD in any of the disciplines offered by APU.
He/she shall not be more than (55) fifty five years of age at the time of assumption of duty.
He/she must have presented inaugural Lecture.
He/she must be a Lecturer in reputable Universities for at least (15) fifteen years of unbroken service.
He/she must have demonstrated capability for mobilization of financial resources / grants from national and international bodies.
He/she must have demonstrated/documented experience of establishing new or restructuring existing tertiary institution.
He/she must be ICT compliant and open towards technology and have deep conviction regarding its potential applications.
He/she must be physically fit, morally sound and of impeccable character.
The functions of the Vice-Chancellor of Ahman Pategi University shall be to:
i. provide leadership and direction to the University through policy foundation, development and implementation to ensure accountability and responsibility for efficient and effective compliance with the University Law, statutes, rules, regulations, policies and procedures;
ii. be the designated officer in respect of funding provided to the University by the Proprietor and other sources of fund in the University;
iii. promote and advance the vision, mission and objects of the University:
iv. take a proactive role in facilitating and encouraging cooperation and collaboration among all organs of the University:
v. ensure activities of the institution support the strategic plan of the University:
vi. prepare annual estimates of income and expenditure in line with the strategic plans of the University;
vii. manage resources within the approved estimates in accordance with the provisions of the law and statutes of the University;
viii. undertake any other duties that may be assigned or referred to him by the Governing Council.
The Vice-Chancellor shall hold office for a term of (5) five years in the first instance and may be eligible for re-appointment for a second term.
The terms and conditions of service for the Vice-Chancellor shall be embodied in a contract under the seal of the University on such terms as to the condition of the office specified in the instrument of appointment.
The Curriculum Vitae should contain the following details:
- Full names (Surname first)
- Date of Birth
- State of Origin
- Nationality
- Permanent home address
- Current postal address including e-mail address and telephone contact
- Marital Status
- Names of children (with dates of birth)
- Institutions attended (with dates)
- Academic qualifications (with dates)
- Professional qualifications (with dates)
- Honours, distinctions and membership of learned societies and professional bodies.
- Scholarly publications, the link to Google Scholar, ORCID, SCOPUS and Research Gate
- Publications, discoveries, or inventions (providing all relevant details)
- Work experience in the university system (providing names of the institution(s) and dates)
- Details of administrative, fund-attraction and management experience in the University system
- Specific services to local, national, and international communities (Providing dates, institutions/establishments, and status)
- Present employment status, salary, and employer
- Extra-curricular activities
- Names and addresses of three Referees.
STATEMENT OF VISION FOR THE UNIVERSITY: The application should also include candidate’s Statement of Vision for the University for the next five years in not more than 1000 words and not less than 600 words.
MODE OF APPLICATION: Candidates are also requested to send scanned copies of their Applications (which should be addressed to Pro Chancellor, Ahman Pategi University), including the candidate's Curriculum Vitae and scanned copies of Certificates and Credentials to: ahmanpategi2023@gmail.com using the Job Title as the subject of the mail.
CLOSING DATE: Friday 10th of November, 2023.
NOTE: Only qualified candidates will be requested to make themselves available for interview with the Selection Committee of the Governing Council.
Registrar and Secretary to Council,
Ahman Pategi University