Aftermath of Senate Committee on Education Meeting With ASUU, ASUP

Aftermath of Senate Committee on Education Meeting With ASUU, ASUP

Latest on the strike matters...
The discrimination in the tertiary education sector in the country may not end soon.

The reason is because the Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics (ASUP) that has been on strike for over two months is yet to receive any serious attention from the Federal Government about its demands.

On the contrary, as soon as the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) declared an indefinite strike, the Federal Ministry of Education urgently realised the need to dialogue with the striking lecturers.

Meanwhile, information reaching has it that the Senate Commitee on Education met with the two academic staff unions today.

While ASUP disclosed that it may end its strike in two weeks time, ASUU said that its indefinite strike will continue.

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