The post jamb examination of some institution have been done,but after post jamb what next. Nigeria as a country is going worse each day and it as reached a situation whereby we students have to wait for years before we can gain admission. Even after graduation, there is no guarantee that we will get a job.
Even before our jamb exam,we have been told that not all of us will gain admission to the university, yet despite the poverty rate in Nigeria, our parents still struggle to buy jamb and post form for us.
Jamb and all institutions have turned we student to a money spinning venture,they put any price tag on there forms and we've got no choice than to buy it,yet they already have the list of students they want to admit into there university. Bribery and corruption as destroyed our economy,there is no doubt that the last jamb result was nothing but a sham,so is Neco. But what are we to do? Buy another form to fuel there pocket?
I wonder if most of them would have been able to speak English if the likes of Awolowo were like them.
My dear students, it is high time we started making impact in Nigeria and not to expect but to give to Nigeria, GOD gave us all talents,discover your talents and monetize it. Don't believe you are still young, Justine Bieber is just 18 and yet his wealth worth 18 million dollars. I discover my about a year ago,and i went into online business-blogging to be precise and now am making some money from it. What is your talents and what have you done concerning it.
Over reliance on parents is not good,anything can happen at anytime,my prayer is that God gives our parents long life and prosperity to eat the fruit of there labour.
Don't just waste your days waiting for admission,engage in productive things and assist your parents.
Guest post by Prince Akinyemi Mujeeb of http://www.efiweblog.info/