The Academic Excellence Initiative (AEI) is pleased to announce the commencement of the application process for the 2024 AEI Nigeria UTME Scholarship.
This scholarship program is dedicated to providing financial support to deserving indigent students, facilitating their access to UTME forms for the upcoming year.
Scholarship Requirements
To be eligible for the AEI Nigeria UTME Scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria:
1. Willingness to write UTME 2024: Applicants must express a commitment to participating in the UTME examination for the year 2024.
2. Complete O’level results: Applicants should possess a comprehensive set of O’level examination results.
3. Functional Email address: A valid and operational email address is required for communication purposes.
4. National Identification Number (NIN): Applicants must provide their NIN for identification purposes.
5. No previous beneficiaries: Applicants should not have been recipients of this scholarship in previous years.
Required Documents
During the application process for the 2024 AEI Nigeria UTME Scholarship, applicants are obligated to submit the following documents:
1. Personal Details: Comprehensive information about the applicant.
2. Passport Photograph: A recent passport-sized photograph of the applicant.
3. UTME Subjects: Specification of the UTME subjects the applicant intends to undertake.
Application Procedure
To apply for the scholarship, click here to visit the application portal.
The deadline for submission of applications is December 31st, 2023.
Selection Test:
Date: Saturday, 6th January 2024
Time: 09:00 am prompt
Venue: Ibadan Boys’ High School, Oke-Bola, Ibadan.