The University management has concluded plans for the printing and issuance of Student's ID card to all students in Alex Ekwueme Federal University, Ndufu-Alike. The Vice Chancellor has directed that all students must be issued with student's ID card before 28th February, 2023.
Below is the process flow:
- Every students ranging from 300 level (400 level for Engineering and Medicine) down to 100 level should pick up the students' ID card form from the department officer with evidence of payment of ID card or download and print the form via the link on the students' platform.
- Every student is expected to fill the form, attach a recent passport and evidence of payment and return the form to the Departmental Officer. The form will be endorsed by the departmental officer and the relevant bursary officer who will confirm the payment All completed forms must be returned to the committee on or before close of work on Friday, 20th January, 2023.
1. Every student will pay a token of N500 for the cardholder but this is optional
2. Any 500 level (for Engineering and Medicine) or 400 level students who does not have the student ID card or have lost his/her own will pay N1,200 for ID card replacement. The said amount should be paid into account below:
- Name of Account: Parents Forum
- Account Number: 1219343885
- Bank: Zenith PLC
3. A list of unclaimed ID cards in the office of Dean Students' Affairs will be displayed for collection from Thursday, 12th January, 2023.
4. Students are expected to take this exercise very serious and please stick to the deadline as many students without ID card will not allowed into classroom for lectures neither will he/she be allowed to sit for second semester examination or be attended to at various point of contact.