AE-FUNAI notice to clinical students on MDCN indexing

AE-FUNAI notice to clinical students on MDCN indexing

The University Management has authorized the indexing of AE-FUNAI Clinical students batch 2017/2018(A), 2018/2019(B) and 2019/2022(C). The students to be indexed must have paid all the University charges up to 2022/2023 academic session. The student must have gotten authentic clearance from the University Bursar or else such students will not be indexed and cannot take any professional examination in the College. The time frame is fefr Tuesday, 21st November, 2023 to 4th December, 2023.

All Clinical students are advised to comply. There will be no supplementary indexing after the expiration of the above date in the College. 

NOTE: The indexing will be in the Office of the College Secretary.

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