While PPT candidates are expecting the results of their last Saturday exams, their CBT counterparts we believe are assiduously preparing for their own exams which will be written in 256 centres scattered all over and outside the country.
While you are preparing, take note that JAMB has updated the Exams date, time and venue of CBT candidates.
Candidates should therefore make sure they reprint their JAMB 2014 CBT Registration slips or JAMB Exam Photocard/slip.
This is very important because in light of the increase of CBT centres to 256, the update by JAMB has affected the change of the details previously on your JAMB Registration Slips. The new Registration Slip or JAMB Exam Photocard/slip will bear your new date of examination, time and venue.
To be on a safer side, we advise that you check on your print- slip -page on the JAMB website few days before your exams to confirm if the details are the same as the one you have on hard copy.
For a step to step guide on how to print your jamb Registration slip or JAMB Photocard/slip visit this link How to re-print JAMB Exam Photocard
Wishing you all the best.