The Senate of Adamawa State University, Mubi at the Extraordinary Senate Meeting held on Thursday 16th December, 2021 in the University Senate Chamber considered the report from the Academic Planning Unit to revise the Academic calendar for 2021/2022 Academic Session.
The calendar which was earlier approved by the Senate at its 103rd Regular meeting which held on 25th November, 2021, was adjusted to accommodate the extension of period allowed for students to complete their registration.
Consequently, the Senate approved the Extension of Late Registration for the 2021/2022 Academic Session to now take effect from 4th – 10th January, 2022 as against the earlier date.
Students are advised to ensure they complete their registration within the stipulated period allowed. The attendant charges for late registration will apply and thereafter, the portal shall be closed.
Concerned students are therefore advised to take note in order to avoid late registration and being cut up with the portal closure.