Application forms for admission into 18 months Nursing programme at the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital is on same in the health school complex.
Admission Requirement/Criteria
To gain admission into the OAU Nursing school, interested applicants must posses the following:-
1. A minimum of 5 O'level credit passes including English, Mathematics plus three (3) other relevant science courses; Chemistry, Biology and Physics in not more than two (2) sittings. Combination of WAEC and NECO Results maybe be accepted.
2. Certification as a Midwife or Psychiatric Nurse with the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria.
3. At least one year post registration working experience after the mandatory community service (for Midwives only).
Admission Interview
Written test; Thursday, 11th July, 2013.
Oral Interview Friday, 12th July, 2013.
Venue: School of Nursing, O.A.U.T.H.C.lle-Ife.
Obtaining the application forms
purchase the application forms from the Deputy Director (Nursing Education) OAUTHC, lle-tfe at a cost of Five Thousand Naira (#5,000.00) only .
Amount is payable by Cash and NOT by Bank Draft to
the Schools’ Account (Nursing Education)
Mainstreet Bank (OAUTHC) Ife Hospital Unit, Ile-lfe· Account Number: 6000024593.
Application Deadline
July 5, 2013.
The SchoolGist Team.