Adamu Tafawa Balewa COE (affiliated to BUK) announces online screening for DE students, 2023/2024

Adamu Tafawa Balewa COE (affiliated to BUK) announces online screening for DE students, 2023/2024

This is to inform all candidates who applied for Direct Entry admission into Adamu Tafawa Balewa College of Education Kangere, Bauchi, that there will be an Online-Screening exercise from Wednesday, 22nd May 2024, to Friday, 31st May, 2024. Candidates should also note that there may be no extension of the Screening period. However, printing of acknowledgement slip will continue up to midnight of Sunday, 2nd June, 2024.

Please note that only Candidates who applied through JAMB for Direct Entry Admissions and chose Bayero University as First Choice are eligible for the screening.

Candidates are advised to visit any JAMB Office or Accredited CBT Centre nearest to them to upload their ‘O’ Level results (WAEC, NECO e.t.c.) on the Central Admission Processing System (CAPS).

Note that supplying false information will result in disqualification. You are allowed to supply a maximum of two different ‘O’ Level examination results.


Candidates are required to log in to the Admission Portal ( click create account using your valid email ID and other information to create an account, sign in to your email and click on the mail sent to you to validate your account creation, login to your portal to provide the following information:- 

  • Guidian details
  • Bio-data
  • O'level details
  • A'level details

Click on New application to apply for your choice of course of study (Note: a student can apply for more than one course at a time). After providing all the required information a payment request will pop-up. 

Generation of PPI - Generate and download your Personalised Payment Invoice (PPI). The invoice will come with Remita Retrieval Reference (RRR) for the sum of N2,500.00 being cost of screening payable in to the account of Adamu Tafawa Balewa College of Education Kangere (Admission Processing Fee Account). 

Applicants have an option of paying online using Credit/Debit Card, Internet Banking, Direct Bank account debit whereby you use your internet banking tools to make payment or printing the payment invoice and using it to pay at any Commercial Bank nationwide. Note that after successful online payment, acknowledgement slip can automatically be generated and printed. In case of bank payment, the payment verification need to be done only after the payment is been processed by login back into your account and click "I've already paid my screening fee" button on the site, before acknowledgement slip can be printed.

In case you have any inquiry or are encountering any difficulty, contact the admission office @ 08036396563, 08024798894

Mohammed Garba Musa

Head, Elibrary

For: Registrar

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