This is to inform members of the general Public that physical screening exercise for admission into Diploma and NCE programs of the College for 2022/2023 academic session commences on Tuesday 20th to Friday 23rd December, 2022 at School of Remedial and Continuing Education's Staff Room in the College.
All candidates are to pay the sum of Two Thousand Naira (# 2000) only for the exercise through :-
Bank- First Bank
Account Number-304 359 5931
Account Name- ADRCLIS Consultancy savings account
Moreover, candidates are required to come along with:-
(a) Original and two set of their credentials.
(b) 2 Recent Passport Photographs and
(c) A copy of receipt as an evidence of payment obtainable at the College's Bursary Department.
Parents and Guardians should take notes, please.
For further informations you can contact the Director MIS Unit via 07036159022, please.
Sagir Mukhtar